Edit Delete Opinions and Mark them as Resolved

Many times we write a review when we have just had a bad experience and there are many people who hours later choose to edit or delete it. Errors exist and at BritainReviews we offer the necessary tools to our users so that they always have control of the opinions they publish in their company profiles.

That is why below we want to explain the main functions that users can access when creating a review on our website. Just as there is no limit on creating reviews, we also do not take into account if you decide to edit your review, since we understand that there may be several changes of opinion or perhaps you want to add extra information.

Edit a Posted Review

If you have published an opinion and you want to edit it to remove or add details, make clarifications or any other reason, you can do it without problem from your user panel.

  1. You will only have to enter your account at the top right

  2. Click on the “Edit Review” option

  3. Make any modifications you consider appropriate

  4. Click Save

At BritainReviews we always want to make it clear that we do not approve of the editing of reviews under threats or coercion from the company. Therefore, if you face a similar problem, do not hesitate to contact us to report your case.

What to take into account when editing a review?

Our commitment is always to transparency and honesty, therefore at BritainReviews we will always advise you with the following tips to take into account before editing an opinion.

  • It's really necessary? If you want to correct a review for spelling mistakes and minor errors, the effort may not be necessary, although a well-written experience is always appreciated.

  • Do you do it of free will? Again, we do not allow coercion of our users by companies. If you have written a negative review and a company requires you to edit or delete it, please do not hesitate to contact us.

  • Does it contain personal and sensitive information? In this case we always emphasize that you avoid posting sensitive information that could compromise people involved in the business or that could affect third parties. We remember the importance of talking about the brand and your personal experience, avoiding entering personal data that could lead to the suspension of your account.

Delete a Posted Review

Just as our users can edit the content of their own experiences, they can also delete it if they so consider. We only recommend this option if you have confused your company profile or there has been some other misunderstanding. In the event that your problem has been solved, continue reading as we offer an option for users to know that the businessman has solved your problem.

Therefore, only delete your opinion if absolutely necessary and freely without pressure from third parties. To delete a review:

  1. Log in to your account at the top right

  2. Click on the “Delete Review” option

  3. Confirm your action by clicking accept

What does it mean to mark a review as resolved?

Something new that we offer from our platform at Reviews International is the possibility of letting other users know that the company was able to resolve the main problem that caused a review to be negative.

For this option, users do not currently have access to it and will have to confirm that their experience has been resolved by the company. In this case we will mark the written opinion as “resolved”. This is an action that we especially recommend to entrepreneurs who want to improve their public action. Contact us to mark your review as resolved in cases where:

  • The Entrepreneur will contact you and resolve your problem satisfactorily: That is, the company read your company and proposed a solution to compensate for your possible negative experience.